When BUGS Attack! WargamesCon 2012

Welcome to Armies on Parade, where I display (in hopefully good detail) some great looking armies from major tournaments all across the United States.

If you click on the Armies on Parade label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking armies, all at once.
It’s like you were at a major event yourself, all from the comfort of your home or smart phone!
Today we have a great looking Tyranids army from the WargamesCon 2012. Sorry some of the pics are a little out of focus, I must have got excited about seeing a ‘Nid army again!  

Checkout the subtle but very well done conversion work on these guys!  Me likey! -Enjoy MBG

 If you like these crazy Bugs, be sure to check out this arctic Camo Tyranid Pattern Army from Adepticon 2012!