Which Nurgling is the Best? Pic of the Day

By Rob Baer | February 1st, 2018 | Categories: Picture of the Day, Warhammer 40k News

top 21 nurglings

Which of these fan-favorite Nurglings is your pick for the best Nurgling of all time?

Warhammer 40,000’s Facebook page recently asked what the best Nurgling was out of their top 21 picks from various kits.  Which is your favorite?

Of all the questions in Warhammer, only one REALLY matters – which Nurgling is best? In a battle to rival the Horus Heresy, we’re pitting our top 21 (that’s 7 times 3, Nurgle fans) against one another in a desperate battle. Their only weapons are charm, their victories are those of you they can convince. Let the games commence!

Which is your favorite?