White Metal Tactical Pattern Knight Titan Conversion

Sometimes the Imperial Knight Titans of the Adeptus Mechanicus can come in some crazy different patterns than the ones you’re used too!

Come see one awesome mini brought to us by those hobby maniacs at White Metal Games.

I will let them give you a little description of what they’ve done for this project

1.  This project was specifically for Games and Gears, and this was our first opportunity to create a model to emanate a company’s brand! The base represents a lot of the “Games” aspect, whereas the “Gears” are throughout the piece, namely in the interior of the Knight’s armor!
2.  White Metal Games typically uses an airbrush for most of the process of painting commissions, minus details and certain techniques. With this Knight, Andy, the artist who painted this project, used mostly brushwork. The only airbrushing on the model was glazing over the armor plating, and object source lighting in the eyes and other glowing light sources.
3. Mitch, our Assembly lead, magnetized and converted this entire piece. A notable part of the model is the massive weapon, which is a combination of the volcano lance and plasma decimator.
My favorite aspect of the model is honestly the “wooden blocks” at the bottom. I actually thought they were real blocks, but they are simply painted that way!
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
Knight Titan
“You better run!”

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