Checkout what may be the identity of the brand new exclusive Forge World miniature that’s on the way from Game Workshop soon?
A lot of folks out there have chimed in with more details about this new miniature that was just recently spotted!
Most are saying this is none other than Remus Ventanus “The Savior of Calth” which would tie in perfectly with the current Horus Heresy core set, and upcoming Burning of Prospero timeline as well.
Checkout what the folks at the Forgotten Legion have dug up (text courtesy of our friends at Lexicanum):
Remus Ventanus was the Captain of the UltramarinesLegion‘s 4th Company during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. His actions during the Battle of Calth helped save the planet from complete destruction, cementing his status as an Ultramarines hero even into M41.
So a little speculation from our own Simon; shows a lot of similarities between the FW model And Ventanus.
Plus checkout that (mostly) straightened banner:
definitely ‘shopped!
Word on the street is look for him in GW stores October 22nd! Join the discussion below about the new figure’s identity or lack thereof: