Will A Plastic Thunderhawk Really Cost Less?

By Wesley Floyd | June 13th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

thunderhawk wal hor

Will a plastic Thunderhawk really cost less? Now after seeing the 3 sprue Domius Knight priced at $170 how much cheaper could it really be?

A lot of people have been asking for a plastic version because of the assumption that it would be cheaper.

Currently, the Thunderhawk is exclusively a resin kit that is nothing short of expensive. Now we have the MKII that looks to have been designed with computers, which bodes well for the hobbyists, however, it is still quite pricey.

Thunderhawk Gunship £450

FW thunderhawk

The Thunderhawk kit sits around £450 making it a ship you don’t just order on the fly. Granted this thing is a massive help to any army being able to provide transport and an exterminatus-load of firepower.

Forge World already came out with a new Thunderhawk model in 2017, so we’ve probably got a while before we would even see any sort of plastic kit for this monster regardless.

But what if…

Price Modeling

Imperial Knights

The new Knight classes are pretty surprising coming from a cost standpoint. The kits are only 3 sprues (two of which are the same, and one class specific) and this hefty Knight weighs in at $170.

That’s right, there’s actually only 1 different sprue in each of the boxes that make them unique. Granted, this is the biggest Knight model we’ve seen outside of Forge World and we all know how expensive Warhound titans are.

But it seems that the amount of sprues/ materials doesn’t affect the price too much. The Bandeblade kit has 7 sprues and is only $140. It looks like there’s a more clever marketing strategy going on here that has to do with how the model plays on the tabletop as well as how much hype is funneled towards the model.

Courtesy of GW, here is the Knight Castellan on sprue:

knight castellan sprue

Here’s the layout of the Baneblade on the sprue. Look at all that plastic:

baneblade sprue

What Can We Hope For?

Seeing that the Thunderhawk got an updated resin kit, it looks like it’ll be a while before the Thunderhawk gets looked at again. Especially with the rate of new releases that have been coming out from Forge World and Games Workshop. It’s been proven that they DO listen to the community.

After only years of begging for plastic Sisters of Battle, they’re finally on the way. Let it be known that we want a plastic bird!

Maybe one day, but until then. Instead of making your wallet scream after buying this:

Thunderhawk 2

Maybe you can opt for this:


What do you think about the Thunderhawk? Do you want it to stay resin or move to plastic? What else do you think affects the price of the models? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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