The Dark Eldar may be in for a couple new surprises based on previous teasers from Games Workshop.Come see what just may have been hidden in plain sight!
MBG has been hard at work again, after the big Gathering Storm II reveal, analyzing every little thing most of us wouldn’t have looked twice at.
But remember this is only a hypothesis, on what this weapon may in fact be a teaser of…
This weapon, from a recent rumor engine post, may indeed a Dark Eldar Sorrowthirst Archon weapon.
The above image is from the Dark Eldar paint guide. Are you noticing the similarities?
Judging by rumor engine preview reveal below for Gathering Storm II, does this mean we may be seeing new Dark Eldar models in the near future as well?
Are new Dark Eldar imminent, is this teaser weapon image just a model option for the new Gathering Storm II minis, or something else entirely?