With Red Fist Clinched: Pedro Kantor: LORE

Pedro Cover img

Today’s Lore is about none other than the acting Chapter Master of The Crimson Fists. Let’s take a closer look at Pedro Kantor.

Dive into the backstory and see how Pedro climbed the ranks of the Imperial Fists successor chapter known as the Crimson Fists and follow him through some epic battles.

Via Lexicanum

Pedro Kantor is first mentioned during the Battle of Melchitt Sound when he was a sergeant. Leading a boarding party, Kantor disabled an Orkish cruiser, winning the day for the Imperial fleet.

Kantor would continue to rise in rank over the next 200 years, often side by side with the legendary Captain Cortez. They both participated in campaigns such as Steel Cross, the defense of Fortress Maladon and the Kardian Campaign.


Pedro Kantor’s weapons include a power fist and Dorn’s Arrow, an ancient and venerated storm bolter named after Rogal Dorn, the Primarch of the Imperial Fists (of the same gene-seed line as the Crimson Fists). It is loaded via a back mounted powered drum feed commonly seen on vehicles, carrying approx. 800 Kraken Pattern Penetrator Rounds. This allows for a faster rate of fire at double that of a standard Storm bolter with marginally improved armor penetration.

Crimson Fists last stand

He was promoted to chapter master in 900.M41, (indicating that Kantor is approximately 350 years old) and was one of the few surviving Crimson Fists when the fortress-monastery was destroyed during the Ork invasion of Rynn’s World in 989.M41. Kantor was on the outskirts of the monastery doing a routine inspection, and he quickly gathered up the survivors and marched to New Rynn City. Here they linked up with the other Crimson Fists survivors and the PDF and managed to defeat the main Ork force.

Pedro Kantor space-marine

The decision to conserve ones forces rather than strike at an opponent with all the might one can muster is a difficult one for a proud Space Marine. A bold military operation would probably have destroyed any hopes of rebuilding the chapter, so Kantor had to use his forces in smaller operations where the elite Space Marines could inflict maximum damage for a minimal loss of manpower. Even after the winning the war, Kantor had to do his utmost to keep the High Lords of Terra from disbanding the chapter due to the extensive losses.

CM Pedro Kanto

Kantor is still Chapter Master and the Crimson Fists are almost at half their original strength as of 999.M41.

Crimson Fist Shoulder Pad

Find out more about Pedro Kantor!