Wrath of the Soul Forge King: Unboxing & Build

Wrath of the Soul Forge KingDon’t miss our unboxing and build of the Wrath of the Soul Forge King box with the new Azrael and Vashtorr models inside!

Rob is back unboxing the newest release for Warhammer 40k. He’ll see what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop, show you the models’ size, and tell you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them. 

We will show you everything, including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way, you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Wrath of the Soul Forge King, Azrael, Vashtorr: Unboxing & Build

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games Frontline Gaming 

Wrath of the Soul Forge King 2There are two new models in the box, which is what we’ll be looking at today. This runs for $210 and has some decent value, which you can see below. One really lovely thing GW did this time was actually giving out the rules for free here.

Dark Angels models: 

  • Azrael $50 estimated (50mm base size, compared to Helbrecht)
  • 10 Intercessors $60
  • 5 Deathwing Terminators $60 

Total Dark Angels MSRP: $170

Wrath of the Soul Forge King

Chaos Models: 

  • Vashtorr: $80 estimated (80mm base? compare to the new Daemon Prince)
  • Cultists: $50
  • Venom Crawler and Obliterators: $75 (Warpforged Box Set)

Total Chaos MSRP: $205

Total Boxset MSRP: $375

Total Savings Versus $210 Box Price: $165 (estimated)


Wrath of the Soul Forge King 3You do get a ton of sprues in the box, which is just always nice to open!

Wrath of the Soul Forge King 4Then, you get the rules, campaign book, instructions, and bases beneath the sprues.


Wrath of the Soul Forge King 5Starting with Vashtorr has a similar style to the Daemon Prince, where the inside is hollowed out. You just want to be very methodical when building this to get rid of the mold lines early, instead of later.

It really doesn’t look like there are many options though. However, the wings actually look somewhat simple compared to other wings we’ve seen, which is nice.

Wrath of the Soul Forge King 6Rob would also recommend building up to the legs, then attaching him to the base part, so he has something solid to stand on.

Wrath of the Soul Forge King 7Azrael looks somewhat simple, but the cape has a long zig-zag pattern, which could lead to a lot of gapping, so Rob is going to use the Tamiya Extra Thin Cement for this. You do have a couple of head options, but that’s pretty much it for options.


Wrath of the Soul Forge King 8Apart from the mold lines and flash, this should be a pretty easy build from the looks of it. There is a lot of detail in the bits and everything definitely follows the theme.

Wrath of the Soul Forge King 9The bits are super detailed, but it’s a pretty small sprue without too many options. Rob just hopes the robe slices actually go together well…

Built Minis

Wrath of the Soul Forge King 10As you can see, he actually looks pretty cool on the bigger base.

Wrath of the Soul Forge King 11You can also just use some blue-tac for your head/weapon options before gluing anything down so you can see what option you like the best. He also wouldn’t glue down the attendant, as it would make Azrael pretty hard to paint.

Wrath of the Soul Forge King 12The heads also pop in and out fairly easily, meaning just don’t glue them on, and you can switch them out.

Wrath of the Soul Forge King 13He’s a little bigger than a normal marine, but nothing too crazy.

Wrath of the Soul Forge King 14Vashtorr is pretty big and looks great. Gluing the legs on and then attaching him to the base wasn’t a problem at all, really, so that’s a plus.

Wrath of the Soul Forge King 15There really is a ton of detail in this model, and most of the gaps are pretty well hidden.

Wrath of the Soul Forge King 16


Wrath of the Soul Forge King 17He’s really quite huge when put up next to Azrael but obviously, Mortarion makes him look somewhat small. Overall, a pretty decent value, and the models go together fairly quickly.

Be sure to watch the video below for all the details!

Click Here to Get Your Wrath of the Soul Forge King!

What do you think of this unboxing and build for the new Warhammer 40k Wrath of the Soul Forge King featuring Azrael and Vashtorr? 

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