Xtreme Close Up- Unboxing the Sicaran Battle Tank

Behold the unboxing of 40k’s Newest Battle Tank, the Sicaran from Forge World.

The Sicaran is the first of a new line of battletanks produced by Forge World for games of both Horus Heresy, and Warhammer 40k.

Recently an even more extreme tank hunting version was announced, and will be on the way soon.

The base Sicaran tank has been super anticipated since Forge World leaked previews earlier in the year, and this kit was well worth the wait!

The tank comes with multiple weapon options for the sponsons (Heavy Bolters or Lascannons), as well as an incredibly detailed chassis that raided a few questions in and of itself.

There is no doubt in my mind that the majority of this kit was produced with the aid of an computer program. The exactly symmetrical halves coupled with the filleted out hollow regions internally is something that can only duplicated (and mirrored even) with the assistance of a computer.

Not that that’s a bad thing, this kit is amazing. I’m just making a statement that there seems to be a shift in how Forge World is designing their models, and it’s probably for the better!

The Kit

Sicaran Battle Tank available for 72 pounds (~$112) from Forge World.

One of the most advanced armoured units in the arsenal of the Great Crusade, the Sicaran Battle Tank was the exclusive province of the Space Marine Legions. The Sicaran utilises component technologies from various STC patterns to create a high-speed ‘destroyer’ tank to complement the more commonplace Predator and Land Raider designs. 

The primary armament of the main Sicaran variant is the sophisticated Herakles pattern accelerator autocannon, a superior rapid-firing and highly accurate weapon. It fires shells at far higher velocities than a standard autocannon, enabling it to successfully track and engage swift moving targets and pinpoint vulnerabilities in enemy armour with lethal precision. 

The Sicaran Battle Tank, designed by Phil Stutcinskas, is a complete resin kit. The rules for this model can be found in the Horus Heresy Book 2: Massacre..  Courtesy FW’s site


I can not wait to get this assembled and on the tabletop!  For now though, enjoy the video of Forge World’s newest main battle tank!

Oh and don’t forget to checkout my unboxing of another fan favorite the Fire Raptor. -MBG