You are No Match For Our Machines: Armies on Parade

Admech featureThe Adeptus Mechanicus are always prepared to attack or defend; they have been programmed to do it all on a dime!

Here are the latest armies from the community, brought to us by Stephen Scott at the Las Vegas Open 2022.

Adeptus Mechanicus Army


Adeptus Mechanicus Army


Adeptus Mechanicus Army


Adeptus Mechanicus Army

“We will get our man!”

Click on the links below to see the rest of our coverage of LVO 2022

There were many more armies we took pictures of at the event that were our favorites!  Click on the gallery above to see the overall army shots of what players brought and their displays at the 2022 Las Vegas Open!

Click Here to Attend the Latest FLG Event This Season!

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!