You Will Be Assimilated! – Ad Mech Armies on Parade

kastellan cross hairs mechanicus

The Mechaincus are coming! I have been following this artist for quite some time. Check out this awesome ad-mech army with friends!

Artist: David Robert (Dave Paints)

Not only does he produce some of the coolest paint jobs ready for any game, but he does it in record time!

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If you haven’t found Dave yet on the many forums on social networks he is active, it is about time!

David Robert (Dave Paints)

Check out his page . Dave proves to us time and time again that less is more. There are periods where Dave spouts out an army a week! A week! He is a really nice guy, and stellar painter.  Needless to say, the simplicity of this army is what strikes me the most. The details that I love the most must be the screens painted on the Kastelans, and the highly mechanised Librarian ally joining the cohort!

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