Your Old Units Have A New Home: Warhammer Legends

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What does the new Warhammer Legends rollout mean for your index and OOP 40k models? GW just made a huge announcement on what’s next for the range.

Warhammer Community revealed that their older units (that were found in books like indexes) will be moving. Check out where you’ll be able to find some of your favorite classic units from now on.

Warhammer Legends: Your Model’s Forever Home

chaplain on bike warhammer legends



So you might have noticed that some of your favorite units didn’t make the cut for the new codex. While you’re able to pull their rules from the index (which released at the start of 8th), they won’t be there for long. GW is going to be moving those older units into a spot called Warhammer Legends. This will be a collection of old minis that will have a datasheet and points. The main thing here, however, is that once they’re put in Warhammer Legends, they’ll never change.

Every year, we review all of the points values (for all of the units) in Warhammer 40,000. We won’t be doing this for the Warhammer Legends, though. Once we’ve assigned them their final points, they won’t be part of that ongoing balance review – and we won’t be recommending Legends units for competitive tournaments.

While newer units in the meta may fluctuate, these units will never be touched by the hands of GW’s balancing team again. With that said, they’ll still have everything needed to function (i.e cost/stat-line/ etc.) may not be legal for tournament/ competitive play.

Warhammer 40k Datasheets Coming to Legends

imperial Space Marine 05Of the two units mentioned going into Legends in the preview, the Chaplain on Bike and Imperial Space Marine will be the first two to hit their new home. GW also told the attendees at the preview that the 40k Index books would all be “going away” in 2020.

What’s more, in the near future, we’ll be giving all Warhammer Age of Sigmar Legends the same treatment, meaning they too will be getting matched play points for your battles. You’ll see these rolled out in the new year. 

Warhammer Legends is actually up and running currently for Age of Sigmar, however, those models do not have any points currently.

From the looks of things now, this site and the AoS models currently in there will be getting a re-work in the new year!

Warhammer legends site rules pdf oop

Overall, it’s nice that Games Workshop is still keeping our favorite units alive by at least giving them rules and points. While they may not change, they didn’t HAVE to give us Legends. What are some other units you think we’ll find in Warhammer Legends? Have you ever used the Chaplain on Bike/Imperial Space Marine in your lists since 8th edition began?

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