GW Previews New Warcry, LOTR, & MTO Event Exclusive

warcry scions of the flame walFans of Warcry and Lord of the Rings,  you’ve got some love headed your way with all new models from the latest from GW’s online previews.

The first week of the Biggest GW Previews ever are here! Rescheduled due to the cancelation of Adepticon, Games Workshop is revealing their latest news and previews on Twitch and Warhammer Community today!gw preview adepticonSure, we’ve seen a few models here and there over the past weeks, (like Fabius Bile), however here’s the latest on their specialist games like Warcry, LOTR, and more.

Scions of the Flame Come to Warcry

As with the other warbands that we’ve seen in Warcry, they worship a specific element of Chaos – in this case, the Ever-Raging Flame. Along with these incredible models, they bring with them a range of unique abilities that will help you conquer the Eightpoints. These denizens of Aqshy will be seeking Archaon’s blessing soon (you could say that they want to become flameous) so it’s time to start practising your flame effects. Oh, and while these are the last of the “missing” warbands from the Warcry Core Book, they are by no means the final warband for the game.

warcry scions of the flame 1How SICK does this guy look? If he’s not used for a Scion of the flame leader he’ll definitely be finding his way onto the hobby tables for some conversions. He’s perfect or an AoS Chaos Lord or maybe a Master of Executions in 40k.

warcry scions of the flame 2With the quote from above, we know these guys like fire. Like really really like fire. So much that one of their guys is on fire. Going off looks alone, he could start the game already taking damage and be solely designed on running toward the enemy to set them on fire. Then burn to a crisp himself…

warcry scions of the flame 3Definitely something Warcry fans get to look forward to.

New LOTR Model: Éomer, Marshal of the Riddermark

lotr eomer 1

lotr eomer 3He comes as two models – mounted and on foot – and then you get to decide how to equip him. Choose whether to have him wearing a helmet or with his hair blowing free in the breeze. Choose whether he’s armed with a deadly sword or a lethal throwing spear. Finally, choose whether he carries a shield into battle or not. You even get to choose if his horse wears barding or not. 

lotr eomer 2


lotr eomer 4This is probably one of the more customizable models we’ve seen hit the LOTR line. With options for mounted and on-foot combat, he’s also got weapon and head bits to pick from as well.

Last Year’s Event Exclusive Lieutenant Now MTO

primaris lieutenant amuliusIf you remember, we first saw Amalius drop into the scene at 2019’s Adepticon as an event exclusive. Now, he’s coming back as an MTO for anyone who couldn’t get their hands on him.

With the first wave of previews down, we still have next weekend to uncover even more releases from GW ahead.

Learn 3D Printing While Working From Home

What do you think about this big reveal? Will you be playing Scions of the Flame in Warcry? Did you get your hands on Amalius at last year’s Adepticon?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!