GW Previews New Adeptus Titanicus Defense of Ryza Rules

New Titan Legions and wargear are coming inside the Defense of Ryza expansion. Check out what’s on the way to Adeptus Titanicus next.

Warhammer Community revealed some of the goodies that are in store for us inside the Defense of Ryza. Take a look at the Legio Traits, specific wargear, and more. You may want to start painting up your collection to stay ahead of the curve.

GW Previews Adeptus Titanicus Defense of Ryza

defence of ryzaThere are three Legions detailed for each side. The Loyalists are bolstered by the Legio Honorum and Legio Osedax, while the Legio Magna and Legio Vulturum march for Horus and the Dark Mechanicum. The rules for Legio Crucius and Legio Mortis are also reprinted here, as both have a part to play in the battle for Ryza.

All of them have a mix of Legio Traits, Stratagems and Wargear that will help you to defend or conquer Ryza, all while playing in a way that reflects the character of your Legion. 

So on top of six new Titan Legions, we’re also getting a reprinting of rules for Crucius and Mortis to keep the fluff going.

Legio Honorum Rules

legio honorum 1


legio honorum titanicus wargearThis is an awesome piece of wargear if you’re building a list that’s heavily reliant on issuing orders. You can throw this piece on a Titan and not even have to roll a command check. You can either put this on a decked-out Warlord to reap the most benefits.  Or you can put it on a Titan that has a worse command check stat to guarantee success on an order. Of course, the icing on the cake is that orders become easier to go off as well.

Legio Magna Rules

legio magna 1


legio magna titanicus wargearLegio Magna are Titans that are better off getting up-close and personal with enemy Titans. Warhounds with Ursus Claws and Warlords with power claws might be a hot commodity for this Legion. Being that they make enemy Titans shake in their boots, enemy Titans have to subtract 1 from command checks within 8″. If you’re not running a list designed to gain ground quickly, Legio Magna’s trait might not be all that relevant so keep that in mind.

Legio Vulturum Rules

Titanicus Feature


legio vulturum titanicus wargearLegio Vulturum are expert sprayers. If you bring Titans with mega-bolters, you can upgrade the weapons and give them more deadly shot output. The trade-off is that you’ll want to be closer because you’re less accurate. However, a couple of mega-bolters in a Warhound blob will be able to strip shields and pepper more heavily-armored units than usual.

These upgrade vulcan mega-bolters with the Maximal Fire trait, letting you give each of your many shots +2 Strength with just a tiny chance of overheating your reactor and slightly blowing up.

Custom Legion Traits On The Way

You’ll be able to make your own Legions with custom rules inside Defence o Ryza as well. We don’t know all of the trait options we’ll have available, however, we do have a few to look through.

16 different Traits are joined by 15 Stratagems and 21 Wargear choices. You can choose four of these rules, with a maximum of two from each category, giving you countless customisation possibilities. 

titanicus custom legio trait 1The Elite Magos is honestly a double-edged sword. If anyone plays Space Marines in 40k, you know how They Shall Know no Fear works. You can choose to reroll your repair roll in the damage control phase. But if you do reroll it, you have to take the second result. With that said, you’ll only really want to reroll it if you roll horribly the first time.

titanicus custom legio trait 2Another Legio trait is Path to Ascension. This one is pretty sweet. You’ll have to focus a bit more on positioning with your Titans. But if you keep your dudes close, you can reroll command checks and even share shields on Titans that are shut down. That’s pretty sweet and can always be relevant throughout the game. Probably a little more consistent than the Elite Magos rule from above.

titanicus custom wargear 2Plasma Rifling sounds like exactly what you think. It makes your shots travel further with +6″ to short and longe range profiles. Definitely not bad at only +15 pts per weapon.

titanicus custom wargear 1This one is also pretty cool. You can vent your reactors easier, but you also can’t push your reactors more than once in a phase. Which makes sense because It’d be pretty broken if you could push them as much as you wanted and almost always open the relief valve once you’re done.

Downloadable Titan Color Sheet

titanicus color sheetWith custom Legion rules on the way, GW is also handing out a downloadable Titan color sheet to help you mess around with paint schemes. While you’re stuck inside hobbying, why not test a few color patterns and get your Maniples looking exactly the way you want! You can also start focusing on a backstory to pass the time.

What are some custom Legion traits you’d like to see in Defense of Ryza? Will you be playing around with custom paint schemes for your Titans? What’s your favorite loadout for your Warlord?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!