GW Reveals Lumineth Realm-Lords Light of Eltharion Rules

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GW revealed the new rules for the super-cool looking Lumineth Realm-Lords Light of Eltharion character today! Check out what coming soon!

Warhammer Community dropped a couple of rules for the Light of Eltharion model making its way into the Lumineth Realm-Lords faction. Let’s take a closer look at what he’s got up his sleeve and how it might be useful in-game.

Lumineth Realm-Lords Light of Eltharion Rules

light of eltharion 1Without going into too much warscroll detail, the Light of Eltharion is going to have 7 wounds and a 3+ save, which is pretty tough on its own. But he’s also getting a rule to make him even harder to take down.

It’s not easy to harm a warrior with no body, and this is represented in games by the Light of Eltharion’s 7 Wounds, 3+ Save profile, and a special rule that makes him pretty tough to take out

We’ll talk more about that rule later.

light of eltharion 2GW also let us in on a couple of his weapon’s rules and profiles.

To start, they only mentioned the fact that he can shoot light darts and we don’t know what that’ll look like exactly.

There are other advantages of Eltharion’s rather unusual form – he can fling searing darts of light from his gauntlets in the shooting phase, and his empty armour allows him to shrug off blows that would slay a mortal warrior outright.

Now here’s a deeper look that we’ve covered.

light of eltharion weaponsComing with two weapons, he’s going have six attacks base that does D3 damage a pop. Also, this dude knows how to smack in combat with both weapons hitting and wounding on a 2+/3+. The weakest aspect shown is that he’s only got a 1″ range so he’ll have to bump right up next to whatever he’s trying to kill.

light of eltharion weapons fangsword ruleTo make his mega-rend sword even better, if he charges, he will be wounding on a 2+ and the wound roll of a 6+ will generate a mortal wound on top of any other damage. This is a pretty straight forward “good stuff” rule. But wait…he gets better.

light of eltharion supreme swordmasterSupreme Swordmaster makes it so you’ll always be hitting on that comfy 2+ and a 6 to hit explodes into two hits.

light of eltharion spirit armorSpirit Armor is the special rule that sets this dude apart from others in his weight class. He’s got a 3+ save that ignores ALL modifiers. On top of that, he halves any damage he takes from melee/missile weapons. That spells out a clear way to kill him. Mortal wound him to death with either spells or different unit tricks. Spirit armor is a good rule but don’t get too cocky with it.  Something like a Boingrot Bounder squad would pop this guy like an ugly zit.

lumineth realmlords online preview 2 box 3We still don’t know the points on this guy, but from what we’ve seen rules-wise combined with the fact that he’s coming inside the Army Starter Box, he’ll probably have a place in every Lumineth Realm-Lords army. If nothing else, he’s a great tarpit of one that can also SMACK in melee.

How many points do you think he’ll cost? Would you like to see a Warscroll Battalion revolve around him?

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