New Models Revealed For Psychic Awakening: Pariah

space marines psychic awakening warhammer 40k title wal horNew models are on the way for Psychic Awakening Pariah, as new character minis for Inquisition and Necrons are getting the preview spotlight!

The Third installment of GW Previews are here! Rescheduled and expanded due to the cancelation of Adepticon, Games Workshop is revealing their latest news and previews on Twitch and Warhammer Community today!

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Sure, we’ve seen a few models here and there over the past weeks, however here’s the latest look at the characters and more inside of Psychic Awakening: Pariah.

GW Reveals Teases New Models For Psychic Awakening: Pariah

A new Inquisitor with a shuriken weapon/ power fist, Necrons, as well as Ephrael Stern and her Harlequin sidekick are coming to 40k in the days ahead.

illuminor szerasNecrons are starting off strong with a brand new Illuminor Szeras model! He’s been in need of a model update and he sure got one. If you look on the right side of the frame, you can see a mounted piece of a Noctilith stone to help throw a kink in the plans of Psykers.

illuminor szeras empyric overchargerEmpyric Overcharger might not play a huge role when you go up against every army. However, with lists that run Psykers like Thousand Sons or Eldar, you’ll be able to cause a Perils of the Warp much easier.

illuminor szeras 2Illuminor Szeras is a classic Necron Character given a new lease of life. For years, we’ve known him as a hellish experimenter, determined to perfect the living metal bodies of the Necrons. Now he’s given himself a serious upgrade. This new model truly reflects his terrifying splendour and alien majesty and is, we reckon, one of the best Necron models ever.

Psychic Awakening Gets A New Inquisitor- Kyria Draxus

inquisitor draxus 1With the Great Rift and the encroaching hordes of Chaos drawing their attention, the Imperium is ill-prepared for a resurgent Necron threat – but a few brave Inquisitors are ready to make a stand, foremost among them Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus. 

psychic awakening inquisitorIf you didn’t know, Draxus is the narrator of most of the Psychic Awakening videos. She’s also been seen from the very earliest teasers of the Psychic Awakening expansion altogether.

inquisitor draxus 2She’s a brand new Inquisitor in some dope power armor that uses Eldar tech as well as having a power fist and a Xenos dragon thing named Shang. Is this heresy or something totally welcome that’s about the join the Imperium’s arsenal?

psychic awakening pariahDespite all these new models on the way, we can’t let it distract us from what’s unfolding in Psychic Awakening. it’s safe to say that Szeras has been making some moves totally unchecked…Until now.

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After seeing what’s on the way to 40k next, which new model do you like better? After seeing Szeras, will you be starting a Necron army? What kind of rules do you think Draxus will come with?

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