Beyond the Cover- Warriors of Chaos Army Book

I was able to skim over the new Warriors of Chaos Army Book this weekend, and I have to say one thing, I didn’t even care about the rules after a certain point, the art was just amazing.

First off, the book itself is 96 pages long, and written by Robin Cruddace.  It is also the first Fantasy Rulebook released in the last ten months, again coming in a hard-cover version only with a $50 MSRP.

As per above it’s just a beautifully illustrated book, full of page after page of new and exciting art.  Rules wise it seems very robust as well, with several army builds coming to mind almost immediately.

The book itself is divided into four sections; The “Rise of Chaos” (fluff section), the Unit Entries in the “Hordes of Chaos”, followed by “Glory of Chaos” the obligatory painted model showcase to inspire us, and finally the Warriors of Chaos Army list section (with summary) itself.

Fluff wise, I really liked the re-telling and embellishing of Archaon’s rise to power, and numerous other classic Chaos stories.

But the art is really what impressed me. GW went above and beyond with the are in this book, and honestly I’m a little jealous that the Chaos Space Marine codex wasn’t this well illustrated!

Overall the fluff accounts for about 20 pages before sliding into the “Hordes of Chaos” section that focuses on the unit entries (each of which also contains even more fluff).  It’s worth a read first, for the new models that were just released, but keep in mind this section is meat of the book.

Sandwiched next is, of course, a full color spread of painted minis to inspire us all.  Am I the only one who misses the section where they used to teach you how to paint the models in the army books as well?

Next up is the army list section (with summary) which takes up the last fifteen or so pages.  This is where you’ll find all the points and options that the servants of the Dark Gods can take.

There also seems to be quite a few fully functional field-able lists within this army book, and a lot of old units got beefed up as well.

Get the visual skinny, and some full color lovings on the new Warriors of Chaos Army Book! Click play on my video review below!

And if you’re curious about the contents of all the new Warriors of Chaos Kits, checkout my video reviews on the new models as well, for a great look at the new bits and some cool conversion ideas.  Happy Modeling! -MBG