Death Stalks the Olde World in the new End Times Nagash Book, and Mengel Miniatures was kind enough to catalog every one of the named characters who died in this massive book.
I wont lie if you are into Fantasy Battles, or have played in the last say 15- 20 years or so, you will really enjoy this book. It is quite possibly the best book I’ve read by Games Workshop in quite sometime. That being said if you’re not into Fantasy at all, you may not enjoy it as much.
So check out the roll-call of who bought it (just in this book alone) over on Mengel’s page.
You can tell they are just as passionate about Fantasy as anyone, and really did a good job with their list.
It’s a pretty interesting read, and sets the stage for a Book Two featuring Chaos. Caution Extreme Spoiler Alert. -Enjoy MBG