Forge World Open Day- Hot Fantasy Tables & Models!

Checkout these hot new Fantasy models from the Forge World Open, as reported by Rictus over on Recalcitrant Daze.

In case you haven’t checkout his blog take a hot minute to give it a once over.

He’s a fellow BoLS writer who really puts out some top notch articles, and is everyone’s go to guy for UK event converge!

By Rictus at Recalcitrant Daze

Right, these would of gone up last night but I barely had time to do anything as I had a gig to go to.

But I have finally got them all sorted. By now of course you will of seen all of these elsewhere anyway, but I shall still put them up…

This will be pic heavy.

Starting with Warhammer Forge monsters:

The Dread Maw:


Troll Mother, still WIP.

And smaller critters and infantry:

Related to the Forge pieces is a new RoB panel: