They all almost here! All over the world advanced orders have gone live for all the new High Elves models.
These kits will release this Saturday, May 4th, just in time to aid in the eternal fight against Chaos.
If your looking to get some of the new minis at a great price, head on over to the Spikey Bits’ Advanced Orders section now to lock in your very own High Elf miniatures HERE!
High Elves Army Book
High Elves Flamespyre Phoenix
High Elves Lothern Skycutter
High Elves Shadow Warriors
High Elves Loremaster of Hoeth
High Elves Battalion
High Elves Flamespyre Phoenix
High Elves Lothern Skycutter
High Elves Shadow Warriors
High Elves Loremaster of Hoeth
High Elves Battalion
Lots of New Pics for the High Elves (and rules over at BoLS)
There are even more pics of the new High Elves floating around from yesterday and today. So here they are, alongside the ones from Friday so that you can see them all together.
I do not know where these were posted first, but it appears to be on a chinese site.