High Elf Pictures Leaked By GW!

By Rob Baer | March 31st, 2013 | Categories: High Elves, Warhammer 40k Rumors, Warhammer Fantasy

The next release from Games Workshop (Tau) isn’t even officially out yet, and already pictures were leaked by Games Workshop themselves on several of their Facebook pages early Saturday morning.

So looks like the big mystery of what’s coming out in May has been solved? Another popular army from Fantasy is getting a revamp!

From Faeit 212 High Elf Pics Leaked!!!!!

It looks like someone messed up and that High Elves are next! These were taken from Games Workshop Facebook Pages everywhere. I think they have already been removed or are in the process thereof. Here they are, and wow, these look wonderful.

About 5 or 6 readers here were gracious enough to send in these photo’s, so a big thanks to their help in keeping us (the community) up to date.