New Way To Play Fantasy Orcs & Goblins! Warthrone

By Felix Paniagua | October 29th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer Fantasy

orcs and goblins

Thanks to this new approved army list, you can now play Warthrone with all your Orcs & Goblins miniatures, come see!

Warthrone approved army lists are unofficial lists created by fans, that have been submitted to AoW, and have been reviewed, tested and approved to be used against any of the other army lists (official and unofficial) for Warthrone.
These lists can be an adaptation of existing armies from other games, or completely invented armies, I will welcome all submissions!


More details about Warthrone and all available army lists here:

As an alternative to making pen and paper army lists, you can use Army Throne; a web browser based app designed to create and print your Warthrone armies quickly and easily.

With this new list, a total of different 14 armies are now available for Warthrone!
-Warthrone armies: Cirlean Empire
-Warthrone armies: Dwarfs
-Warthrone armies: Legions of the Apocalypse
-Warthrone armies: Goblins
-Warthrone armies: Dark Elves
-Approved armies: Warhammer Orcs & Goblins
-Approved armies: Warhammer Tomb Kings
-Approved armies: Warhammer High Elves
-Approved armies: Warhammer Vampire Counts
-Approved armies: Warhammer Legions of Khorne
-Approved armies: Warhammer Skaven
-Approved armies: Warhammer Beastmen
-Approved armies: Warhammer Bretonnia
-Approved armies: Kings of War Abyssal Dwarfs

More army lists will be published very soon!