RUMORS – Glotkin Model Pics & Rules Leak

By Rob Baer | October 14th, 2014 | Categories: End Times, Warhammer 40k Rumors, Warhammer Fantasy


Pictures and rules started leaking early this morning of Glotkin, check it out!

Courtesy of the Mexican Ork, and Forge the Narrative, Glotkin is so deliciously hideous and interchangeable to boot, this kit seems poised to shake things up a bit.

Some very interesting things of note: The model can be positioned in at least two poses. This means two distinct conversions/counts as for things like a GUO. Also, the biggest concern is going to be the saddle. Is it attached to the back? Is thee a large hole were it fits? Is it conected to the rider? All of these things matter for ease of conversions.

I can’t wait to get one in my and next week to see what I can make with it! How about you?-MBG


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