STAYING ALIVE – Fantasy Models Surviving into 9th

By Rob Baer | February 17th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors, Warhammer Fantasy



Checkout this rumored list of Fantasy Models that are Surviving into 9th Edition Fantasy, but just don’t base your models, though.

Here’s the list of models, but remember these are just rumors at this point. At least it gives us something to go with for now.

via DakkaDakka’s WhisperofTruth: 2-15-2015

Oloh said:

List of current model kits that will be officially included in Warhammer 9th. He later posted that this list is accurate, but incomplete, meaning there may be additional kits that survive that are not listed, with the implication being that you should be OK to purchase and paint these kits (but not base).

Cauldron of Blood/Bloodwrack Shrine
Eternal Guard/Wildwood Rangers
Sisters of the Thorn/Wildriders of Kurnous
Witch Elves of Khaine/Sisters of Slaughter
Savage Orcs
Night Goblins
Night Goblin Fanatics
Mournfang Cavalry
Thanquol and Boneripper
Vermin Lord
Grey Seer
Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace
Hellpit Abomination
Coven Throne/Mortis Engine
Terrorgheist/Zombie Dragon
Maggoth Lords
Gutrot Spume
Chaos Spawn
Chaos Warshrine
Chaos Daemons
Grimm Burlockson
Josef Bugman
7 Champions and an army of light.

No more Lizardmen, but still playable.
No more Gnoblars/Skinks. They become Goblins.
No more Beastmen.

Elves become more Eldary, units take on aspects of their gods.

There are some units like the Blood Knights that I expected to survive into 9th, but the events of the books have made me doubt this is going to happen anymore. They were due to be updated. Plus it fits with the new merging unit policy, not sure that’s happening anymore though. Something similar happened to the Bone Giant, that being said I heard the Bone Giant was getting a redesign and a release some point in the future.

The game will become more Fantasy like, less cannons and warmachines. More magical. It’s not just the “Humans” that get empowered by the gods all factions will experience this.

Now compare and try to make out the trends from the last set of 9th rumors:

And Earlybird chimes in:

from the horse mouth factions
1) Chaos : Demons + Beasts + Mortals
2) Elves
3) Empire
4) Undead
5) Orcs and Goblins
6) SkavensLizards are gone in space.
Dwarves survivors join the empire with the ogres.
1) Chaos core : Warriors of chaos/chariot/Hounds
Demons figs will be kept as they are usable in 40k
Bye bye marauders, ungors, centigors, razorgor etc
2) Elves core : spearmen/archers/cavalry on horse
No more xbows
the 3 elves will blend in one faction
dark elves monsters are gone : cold ones, hydra
3) Empire core: Hallberds/Handgun/Canon
Some dwarves survivors and ogres are included
Imperial and bretonnian knights are merged
4) Undead core : Skeletons/Ghouls/Spirit host
bye bye bone giant, scorpion sphinx, chariots and everything too much egyptian5) Orcs and goblins core : Goblins/Orcs/Black orcs
no real change for them6) Skaven core : Clanrats/Plague rats/Rat ogres
no real change for them too


That list is basically most of the recent and oversized (ready pricy) WFB kits from GW. Interesting to note one old model who’s not on there – Archaon. Hmmm… Also of note is that zinger in the first sentence about waiting to base your models.  The chatter regarding WFB 9th and round bases continues.

Warhammer 9th Roundup

~ Sorry Lizardmen players, they may have left the building….