The Glittering Host- New High Elf Model Reviews

This month we saw the re-release of the venerable High Elves, and now it’s time to take a look at the new models.

Today I have for you spankin’ new video unboxings of the sweet new High Elf models; Lothern Skycutter, Flamespyre Phoenix, Shadow Warriors / Sisters of Avelorn, and the Loremaster of Hoeth.

I’m not sure where Games Workshop draws their inspiration for new units from, as this release saw quite a few eclectic designs.

First off the Lothern Skycutter is basically a airborne chariot, pulled by a great eagle. I mean it’s cool looking and all I think, I just never expected to see anything like that on the tabletop. Maybe it’s a Harry Potter / Warhammer World cross-over?

Next up is the Flamespyre / Frostheart Phoenix variants, which I gotta admit seem eerily similar to a couple of legendary birds from a certain kids cartoon back the 90’s. I like the overall design of the kit, and it looks great on the table and all, I just can’t get this image out of my mind when I see them!

The Shadow Warriors/ Sisters of Avelorn dual kit is a nice traditional take on the army look and feel, and I really dig the sisters’ mystical bow design.

Rounding out the release is the Loremaster of Hoeth clampack, which has styling similar to the Island of Blood Swordmaster models.

The one thing I really liked about these kits, was that Games Workshop starting using Adobe InDesign to layout their instruction manuals!

In the past there those things seemed to be nothing but an afterthought, as were constantly riddled with errors and assembly blind spots. Kudos to them for addressing the issue finally!

Overall I think a pretty solid release model-wise, and GW’s designs never cease to impress and inspire.

Please enjoy my video unboxings of the new models below, and be sure to checkout my review of the High Elves Army Book as well! -MBG