Updated Orcs & Goblins Battalion Box Value is Pretty Shocking

orks goblins warhammer old world

Your guide to the Warhammer Old World Orc & Goblin Tribes Battalion Box Set values, costs, and contents, broken down with the latest prices!

Orc & Goblin Tribes Battalion Box Value & Pricing

orc goblin army box value

Battalion boxes look to be the Vanguard or Combat Patrol equivalent for Warhammer The Old World- made to get you a decent starting force without dishing out a ton of cash! Now that both the Bretonnians and Tomb Kings have their own Core box sets, it appears Games Workshop will release the rest of the factions with Battalion boxes with no rules inside.

The Orc and Goblin Tribes are rolling out the big guns with a hefty battalion box and an Arcane Journal to boot. The box packs a punch with 73 plastic minis, featuring two Orc Boar Chariots, 31 Orc Boyz (complete with a champion, musician, and standard bearer), and 40 Goblins, who’ve got their own command upgrades ready to cause some chaos.

Orc & Goblin Tribes Battalion Retail Price: $170 CAD$200 €130 £100.00

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Orc and Goblin Tribes Battalion

Click Here To Buy The Orc & Goblin Tribes Battalion

  • Base Size: Varies
  • Height: Varies
  • Faction: Orc & Goblin
  • Role: Characters, Core, Special
  • Material: Plastic
  • Number of Minis: 73
  • Release Year: 2024 (original units were released before Old World rework)

Pricing By Country

Country Price
United States $170
Canada CAD$200
United Kingdom £100
Europe €130

Warhammer The Old World: Orc & Goblin Tribes Description

Orc and Goblin Tribes Battalion 2

The Orcs & Goblins are a ravaging horde of Green that smash through the cities of the Old World! They might not be very organized, but when a giant mob of Greenskins comes charging at you, they bring the battle. On the tabletop, they are super fun to play with a bunch of models, interesting units, and a wide variety of options. If you want to have fun games, you really can’t go wrong with them.

Warhammer Games Workshop The Old World: Battalion: Orc and Goblin Tribes
  • Games Workshop - Warhammer - The Old World: Battalion: Orc and Goblin Tribes
  • Send in mobs of Orcs and Goblins to overwhelm your foe
  • An incredible collection of Orc Boyz, Goblins, and supporting Boar Chariots to form the core of a mighty army
  • Versatile plastic models allow you to build them in different configurations to provide tactical options
  • These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.

Last update on 2025-03-12 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Orc Boyz

Orcs and goblins 2

The Orc Boyz make up the backbone of most Orc armies; they are large, mean, and strong. They don’t have the highest damage output out there, but their sheer size and mass will carry them through most battles.  On the tabletop, you want to bring a lot of them and throw in a couple of characters to buff them up.


Goblin Mobs

Goblins are the smaller cousins of Orcs, but they make up for their lack of size with numbers! Their stats might look meager, but that doesn’t matter. Where ten fall in battle, another 20 will take their place. Just be ready for them to fall in battle quickly, but that’s okay; what else is a goblin supposed to do?

Orc Chariots

Orcs and goblins 3

When you need to smash through enemy lines, you bring in the Orc Chariots! They are powered by huge boars, while the riders sport an array of spears and weapons. They move quite fast and cause impact hits, which can swing combats in your favor quite quickly.

Orc & Goblin Tribes Battalion Box Review

Is this Worth It & Value orcs and goblins army box warhammer old world

So, you’re thinking about grabbing the Orc & Goblin Tribes Battalion Box? It is a remarkable base for any orc army, and it marks only the start. Just like the rest of the armies for Warhammer the Old World, there will be plenty of re-releases, but a few new models as well!

Orc & Goblin Tribes Battalion Box Contents

          Models Unit Name Value
          31 Orc Boyz  $70 (the normal box comes with 40 models, but only 20 with this loadout)
          40 Goblins $85
          2 Chariots $85
          Orc & Goblin Tribes
            Total MSRP: $240
            Savings Versus Box Price: $70

          Battalion Army Box Comparisons

          Below, you can see how similarly priced items sell and how much value they have. $170 is a hard price to gauge, so we’ll pick a few different boxes to examine.

          Box Set Name Price Qty of Minis Value
          Tomb Kings Starter Set $290 92 $200
          Bretonnians Starter $255 76 $160
          Cities of Sigmar Spearhead $140 17 $95
          Chaos Warriors Battalion $170 44 $65
          Orc & Goblin Battalion Box $170 73 $70

          Well, as you can see, the values and number of models versus pricing are quite varied across game systems. That even seems to make Old World look like the better value overall between Warhammer 40k and AoS.

          Is the Orc & Goblin Battalion Box Worth It?

          Orcs & Goblins Army Box 7If you need a bunch of infantry, then this is totally worth it! If you have a bunch of the older models, this is a lot of what those armies already had. However, the Orks & Goblins army box should always be great for someone new to the game. Even at the $170 price, this will save you a decent amount of cash.

          Remember, while the Orc & Goblin Army Battalion Box may not be for everyone, it is certainly a great starting point for those looking to build a new Warhammer, The Old World army, or expand their existing forces.

          What to Buy Next?

          Orcs & Goblins Army Box 3Well, you have a decent amount of infantry (you’ll need more, don’t get carried away), but first, we would grab some boar boyz, artillery (goblins have some of the funniest artillery out there), and you need characters! This box doesn’t have a single hero, so first, we would grab some bosses to lead the boys and then some shamans to help call down the power of Gork and Mork!

          Once you have that filled out, next up, it’s time to start grabbing fun units. Maybe some trolls or big monsters, maybe you just want all the boyz possible. Whatever it is, you can’t go wrong with units you think are fun to collect and paint. Be sure to check out our breakdowns on the other Warhammer Old World Battalion and army boxes from the list below.

          All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

          Will you be picking up the new Warhammer, the Old World Orc, and Goblin Battalion Box, and what do you think of its value and contents?