Unboxing Ylthari’s Guardians & Thundrik’s Profiteers: Nightvault

By Tim Roberts | April 29th, 2019 | Categories: Warhammer Underworlds

Ylthari's Guardians, Thundrik's Profiteers Unbox & Build Nightvault

Come and take a look at the newest Nightvault expansions as unbox and build Ylthari’s Guardians and Thundrik’s Profiteers for Warhammer Underworlds.

Warhammer Underworlds is a place full of danger but we think that Ylthari’s Guardians and Thundrik’s Profiteers might be able to hold their own in the unforgiving and hostile environment.   Dive in with out look at the new releases and see if they might be something you are wanting to play or add to your card collection.


Most importantly let’s see if they are worth your hard earned hobby bucks.

Thundrik’s Profiteers: $30

Get Yours For Less At Miniature Market


Up first we get a look at Thundrik and his mighty Profiteer squad. This kit comes with five brand new Kharodon Overlords miniatures. To be quite honest we feel that they look a bit better than theKharodon Overlords models in the AoS range. Their posing is quite dynamic as they float around and pepper their enemies with unrelenting firepower.


We all know that you have to buy all the packs for universal cards. Am I right? As far as universal cards go in the Thundrik’s Profiteers pack Robby B takes the time to go over and show off a few in our unboxing video below.

Ylthari’s Guardians: $30

Get Yours For Less At Miniature Market


The Sylvaneth release for Warhammer Underworlds is a great pre-curser to the upcoming release of the rumored new AoS Battletome for this cool faction. These sculpts are full of all the details you would expect for the children of nature. But the one caveat is you have to be careful when putting these miniatures together as some of the parts are thin and require a light-handed approach.


If you have been collecting the tome upgrades for Warhammer Underworlds this set has the final piece and a cool new objective for your collection. For the rest of the universal card click the video link below.

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and check out our Underworlds Unboxing video below!