Warhammer Underworlds: Two New Warbands Hidden In Plain Sight

dreadfane warhammer underworlds

Do these two warbands look familar? We’ve still got more on the way for Warhammer Underworlds at some point this year from GW when Dreadfane releases!

If you remember a while back, Games Workshop announced at the 2019 NY Toy Fair a bunch of new board games. One of them being a boxed game called Dreadfane.

What is Dreadfane?


Designed to be perfect for beginners, you’ll be able to battle through a streamlined version of the game, balancing taking out your opponent with a host of hazards, like falling meteors, beams of magical energy and more. Each match promises to be a nail-biter right up until the last moment. And while both warbands will initially be exclusive to the set, we should see them available separately in the not too distant future.

Dreadfane is gearing up to be a version of Warhammer Underworlds that’s designed for beginners. With Warhammer Underworlds being a fairly simple game as it is, we feel like Dreadfane may be the perfect crossover for someone who plays mostly card games like MTG but wants to get into some tabletop miniatures.

What Are The Warbands?

The set will also be the first place you can get two new Warhammer Underworlds warbands – Ironsoul’s Condemnors and Lady Harrow’s Mournflight. Each has their own cards and fighters and, once you’ve mastered Dreadfane, can be taken into the main game.

Inside the game, there’s going to come two Warbands. One being a three-model Stormcast Warband (as usual) called Ironsoul’s Condemnors and a four-model Banshee Warband called Lady Harrow’s Mournflight.

ETB Sequitors $15

ironsouls 2

These Sequitors are being sold on GW’s webstore and fit every description of a Warband. The cover art for Dreadfane matches with these guys and they all come with pre-detailed bases.

ETB Banshees $15


As for the Nighthaunt faction out of Dreadfane, Lady Harrow’s Mournflight look to be the ETB Banshees that GW is selling currently.

While it looks like we’re able to get our hands on the future warbands, we’ll still need the cards. As far as we can tell, the only place we’ll be able to get those cards is out of the Dreadfane box. Knowing GW, we may see a future release of just the cards too for anyone who picked up these warbands when AoS 2.0 dropped a little under a year ago.

All in all, Dreadfane looks to be an auto-buy for anybody heavily into Warhammer Underworlds. It looks like we’ll be getting two tiles with the game (even though they look identical), as well as two Warbands, cards, and tokens. With all the Kharadon and Sylvaneth excitement currently going on in Warhammer Underworlds,  we thought we might remind everyone that we’ve still got more on the way! Keep in mind we still have yet to see any official release date.

Keep in mind as well that there are rumors of a new set of cards coming as well:

Summer Release Rumors

Skaven Shadespire

An Industry insider had this to say:

Keep your peepers open for a new summer card pack that promises unlimited power

Warhammer Underworlds Card Packs

shadespire leaders

To talk about what it could be, we’re going to have to backtrack some. Each Warband has a different Leader. The Leader is usually the most important dude on the team through combat skill or just giving bonuses to his friends. That being said, GW released a card pack exclusively on the Leader role, last summer. The cards inside the pack were generic upgrades, scorable objectives, and ploys that were all focused around the Leader and Leader only. 

What do you think about these two Warbands? Have you already bought the ETB kits and have them painted for the game? How do you think they’ll inspire? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

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