Warhammer Underworlds: Updated Restricted Card List & Rules

By Wesley Floyd | June 24th, 2019 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors, Warhammer Underworlds

blood warriors magore's fiends

Warhammer Underworlds got another update to the game. Check out the new cards you might need to replace in your decks and so much more.

Warhammer Community revealed the big changes coming to Warhammer Underworlds. From a new card restriction to a wording errata, and finally board placement, you definitely want to take a close look.

In case you missed the first card restriction/ban wave take a look at our past article to get caught up.

New Restricted Cards

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It’s been a hot minute since we last saw an errata. With a ton of new Warbands introduced into the game, there was bound to be shenanigans at some point.

Tome of Offerings and Longstrider are both on the restricted card list among some other. They’re some great glory generators to get the ball rolling for your Warband. However, you’ll have to weigh them with the other restricted cards now as well.

Keep Them Guessing Gets Reworded

keep them guessing

We’ve also tweaked the Keep Them Guessing objective so it no longer counts actions taken as a Reaction (like through Scurry and other Reactions on Fighter Cards). Loads of you have been asking about how this works, and we wanted to ensure that it remained a challenging but rewarding objective to score.

Two Cards Get the Katophrane Keyword

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Tome of Insight and Tome of Healing got the Katophrane Tome keyword. That means they can be combined Acolyte of the Katophranes and Preserve Their Knowledge for a bonus helping of glory points.

Stormsire’s Cursebreakers & Spells Get Nerfed


Stormsire’s Cursebreakers got hit with the nerf bat. Rastus and Ammis are only allowed to each make one successful Empower Spell action per phase. This will definitely slow the Warband down some.

endless spells

As for ALL SPELLS you now need to pick a target and you must have line of sight on it before you attempt to cast.

Rules For Board Placement Get Changed

whu board 1


whu board 2

In Organized play games, you can’t pick the same board twice. Once you use up one side, it’s gone forever. This just helps keeps things fresh and prevents any player from getting the tactical advantage every game. Players will need to bring a minimum of two boards to the tournaments.

Make sure you check out all of the changes on their downloadable section from Warhammer Community for the cull coverage of individual Warbands (if there have been any changes). How do you like the update to the game? Do you play a Warband centered around spells? Do you think they will still be as competitive with the new spell restrictions? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.