Algoryn’s New Liberator Plasma Destroyer is Here!

algoryn liberatory plasma destroyer skimmer

The Liberator Plasma Destroyer is the newest addition to the Algoryn Armoured Infantry forces! Come check out the new heavily gunned skimmer!

The Algoryn Armoured Infantry forces have a new toy to play with and this time it’s an extremely heavily gunned skimmer!

Source: Warlord Games

In advance of us releasing the fully plastic Liberator later this year we just couldn’t wait to let you guys get your hands on it… so here is the resin and metal Liberator all boxed and ready to pre-order.

If Plasma weaponry on the basic set isn’t enough why not add Compression and Mag Weaponry instead:

So in this complete set you’ll get all the weapon options before they’re officially released*, alongside your shiny new MOD 2 Liberator!

algoryn liberatory plasma destroyer skimmer algoryn liberatory plasma destroyer skimmer algoryn liberatory plasma destroyer skimmer algoryn liberatory plasma destroyer skimmer

Vehicle Ag Acc Str Res Init Co Special
Liberator Combat Skimmer 5 6 1 13 8 8 MOD2, Large

Vehicle Type: Combat Skimmer
Propulsion: Suspensored vehicle with pulse thrusters
Armament: Two weapon points capable of carrying a variety of support armaments. Mag light support and mag cannon: X01 Hi‐Mag Mk IV.
Protection: Composite skin + fixed emission hyperlight envelope with individual hyperlight cells for crew. Optional separate batter and/or shield drones.
Special Rules:Vehicle, MOD2, Large, Self‐Repair (optional)

algoryn liberatory plasma destroyer skimmer


  • Algoryn Liberator with Plasma Destroyer
  • X10 Special weapons blister
  • X01 Hi Mag weapons blister

Head over to Warlord Games to pre-order the new Algoryn Liberator Plasma Destroyer today!

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