New Warmachine Crucible Guard Arrives Soon

By Wesley Floyd | July 9th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors, Warmachine

New Warmachine Crucible Guard Arrives Soon

The new Crucible Guard faction is coming to Warmachine! Check out what’s coming this week and how to save some hobby dollars on them!

Privateer Press let us in on what’s coming to the game. They’re even releasing a box set with everything unique to the army. Let’s see what the Crucible Guard has in its armory.

Crucible Guard Box Set 229.99

Get yours for less from Miniature Market!

Crucible guard is going to be released in a box set with a great deal. You’ll get everything seen below for almost 20% off.

crucible guard box

The sizzle of acid eating through armor, the roar of pyrophoric ammunition burning a target alive, and the hiss of gas venting from grenades, jet packs, and rocket shells—these are the sounds that accompany the Crucible Guard in battle. This army of alchemist-soldiers represents the most scientifically advanced military to hit the battlefields in the modern age.

So what’s in the box?

crucible guard

  •  Aurum Adeptus Syvestro (metal/resin)
  •  Combat Alchemists (3) (metal/resin)
  •  Vindicator (plastic) *
  •  Suppressor (plastic) *
  •  Crucible Guard Rocketmen & CA & WA (14) (metal/resin)
  •  Trancer (1) (metal)
  •  Dragon’s Breath Rocket Weapon Crew (3) (metal/resin)
  •  Crucible Guard Assault Troopers (5) (metal/resin)
  •  Gorman di Wulfe (resin)

This army is all about the use of chemicals and weird science to seize a victory. The faction’s weapons are mostly themed around chemical/acid and most of the models have a gas mask on them. (It’s a nice fluffy spice to the game).

Crucible Character Athanor Locke 24.99

Get yours for less from Miniature Market!

athanor locke

Aurum Lucanum Athanor Locke is a young and accomplished arcane mechanik and warcaster who also happens to be a pious Cyrissist. Outfitted with a custom-built and augmented armor frame, Locke is not only a Crucible Guard warcaster, but she leads the arm overseeing the fabrication of the Crucible Guard’s warjacks. 

Along with the box set, she’ll be coming out on July 13th. Athanor Locke won’t be in the box set, but you can pick her up as well.

What do you think about the new Warmachine army? Will you be picking them up?

What faction do you play now? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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