New Warmachine Era- Convergence of Cyriss

By Rob Baer | February 23rd, 2013 | Categories: Videos, Warmachine

Hey all, It’s CJ- the semi-local Tau-Khador-IG nut.. So recently we finished up a couple commission jobs at Gamer’s Pair-O-Dice, picked up some minis from FTW to paint up for a tutorial and fun, and I took a short break from the Internet and all of the drama and excitement it brings.

I came back to it and logged onto Privateer Press’ website and found announcements for Templecon. I dint know how I could have missed them, but I took a look and was surprised by a new faction called Convergence of Cyriss.

I watched the videos, there were announcements about the new leagues and tournament formats, a new Level 7 game, then there was a video about a new Warmachine faction…..

After watching it I have to say I am awed and a little in shock. I wont go into too many details. What I will say though is this faction takes the whole concept of synergy and efficiency to a level I haven’t seen before in any wargame. I have included a link to the video and some teaser pics at the bottom of the page. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Guest Blogger – Spikey Bits
Blogger – Gamer’s Pair-O-Dice