New P3 Paints & Plastic Warmachine Miniatures On The Way!

warmachine hor wal 1200New plastic Warmachine kits are on the way, along with P3 paint, now that Steamforge Games has acquired these lines!

Big things have been happening in the realms of Iron Kingdoms and Warmachine as there has been a recent change in ownership.

Steamforged Games, the board game whizzes, just snagged the Iron Kingdoms and Warmachine properties. They have some big plans, like bringing back P3 paint and rolling out new plastic Warmachine miniatures!

Steamforged Games Priorities For The Iron Kingdoms

Steamforged Acquires Warmachine

Warmachine Rules

One of the first things that SFG made sure to note is that they believe the current version of Warmachine is hitting all the right notes. The rules are crisp and clear, and the characters and units that have been rolled out so far are balanced in a sense of playability, fairness, and fun.

They’ve said that Warmachine will continue on the course Privateer Press has currently set for the game.

warmachine cover

SFG has said that they have two main goals for these properties.

  • Strengthening the Supply Chain: Things like making sure that models and other items are always available. Working with production, logistics, and all the other departments in order to get Warmachine into your local gaming stores.
  • Expanding the Game’s Reach: This involves supporting more organized play, events, demos and ensuring that community engagement is a key focus.

Warcaster and Riot Quest

Steamforged Warcaster

Acknowledging the brands of Iron Kingdoms, their three focuses as of now are Warmachine, Formula P3, and the Iron Kingdoms RPG, with Warcaster and Riot Quest somewhere down the line in terms of importance.

Formula P3 Paint

Exciting developments are brewing in the Formula P3 paint range, supposedly involving some rather talented painters for future developments.

Iron Kingdoms RPG

The Strangelight Workshop Kickstarter is in focus right now, and more information will be available in the next few weeks.

Warmachine Product Updates:


Over the next few months, they plan to release several other update posts and videos, covering everything from meeting the new team to discussing partnerships and events set for the future. This also includes a roadmap that’ll showcase the plans and timeline for everything down the road.

The first one to expect will be a Meet the Team post sometime next week.

2-Player Warmachine Starter Set

2 player starter set

We’re getting new information on the new models for Cygnar Storm Legion and Khador Winter Korps, which will feature in a new 2-player Command Starter Set coming later this year.

  • This 2-player starter set is going to be manufactured out of hard plastic (known as HIPS.)
  • Because it’s for two players, this set includes two Warcasters, two Character Warjacks, two Character Solos, two Character Units and terrain all in one box, proving an ideal entry point into Warmachine

What’s Next?

Khador Lead warmachine wal hor

The big steps they’re currently undergoing are transitioning the website and re-opening sales. This includes updates on the pre-orders previously announced by Privateer Press.

They’re also dropping the MKIV tag for Warmachine. They’ve said that this isn’t an intention to change the rules or gameplay but an attempt to focus more on the Iron Kingdoms’s evolving storyline.

Frequently Asked Questions

Steamforged Games

At the end of their post, they discuss some of the most frequently asked questions about this big set of changes.

Will there be a new edition of Warmachine?

No, the current edition of Warmachine is going to continue as planned.

Will the transition delay Warmachine releases?

There are going to be more details available for that when they reopen sales on their website sometime next week.

Are they moving away from direct resin?

They intend to continue with Privateer Press’ direct resin process as well as expand with new partners in the UK and Europe.

What range will go to HIPS?

We’re focusing on Command Starter Sets to introduce new players to Warmachine.

How quickly will HIPS be implemented?

It’ll take some time, but you’ll start seeing more HIPS products later this year.

Will SFG offer STL files for Warmachine products?

They didn’t have any intentions of wide STL availability but aren’t entirely opposed to the idea.

Who do I contact for broken/miscast parts?

You can send requests to their support hub.

Where do I send feedback on Warmachine gameplay?

You can send gameplay feedback directly through the Warmachine App

Will SFG be running Warmachine events at Gen Con?

Yes, they’re going to run the planned events announced by Privateer Press. They’ll have Warmachine available at their booth (#2329).


Steamforged Games is shaking up the Iron Kingdoms and Warmachine universe with exciting new developments. With their acquisition of these properties, players can look forward to the return of P3 paints and new plastic Warmachine miniatures.

SFG seems committed to maintaining the current Warmachine rules, ensuring balanced gameplay. They aim to strengthen the supply chain and expand the game’s reach through more organized play and events.

Expect engaging updates, a 2-player Warmachine Starter Set, a focus on painted miniatures, and hopefully some hobby tutorials.

Overall, the future of Iron Kingdoms looks bright and dynamic once again!

What do you think about Steamforged Games acquiring the Warmachine and Iron Kingdom properties?

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