Travis is back from another week of delving deep into the world of WarmaHordes and spills the beans on his experiences starting back from square one!
Week 4 is done with and on the gaming front, I manage a small skirmish to mess around with units and to see how they work. Generally, I like the Fennblades I got as I think tough makes them last longer however they tend to get chewed up by ranged fire pretty quickly. That being said I like how the models work and having a unit of 10 out there makes me feel like I am starting to field an army and not a patrol unit. Because it was a skirmish it did not count in the journeyman league which I am fine with because it was a lot of going back and trying this out and trying that out.
My opponent was very nice and offered insights into what I could do or what different types of his units might do. As far as the official league game I again did not play in it this weekend, because they were demoing Age of Sigmar that night. A guy showed up and didn’t have an opponent and I was waiting for a warmachine match so I offered to play him. The game took a little longer than expected so couldn’t fit in a Warmachine match but I still got some dice rolling in!
Painting wise I managed to get a little bit further on Ragnor but not nearly as far as I would like to have gotten…. I just can’t seem to find a painting groove with him and every time I make plans to sit down and slap some paint on him I either ending up painting something else (See Tzeentch demons) or doing something else entirely (yard work, painting the house, cleaning, etc.) I might just be in a painting rut to be honest and need to hunker down with a beer and get to it. Also living in the Midwest as the cool kids say “winter is coming” so I will have plenty of time to paint when I am dealing with 6 months of snow and grey.
Model purchases I am pretty sure I hit the jackpot on ebay and I managed to snag the following on a winning 60 dollar bid: Hoarluk Doomshaper Rage of Dhunia, Madrak Ironhie Thornwood Chieftain, Earthborn Dire Troll, Pyre Troll, Slag Troll, Troll Axer, Trollkin Runebearer, Horgle Ironstrike, Janissa Stonetide, Troll Whelps (5), and all 3 Sons of Bragg. They are coming in this week but according to the seller will need to be stripped and put back together a little bit.
Which for $60 is fine by me, along with that I went on Privateer Press’s website and bought the Mk 3 cards for the trollbloods for $15. So I think that will conclude my trollbloods army as that gets me close to 75 (73 or 74) depending on who I use.
My hope was to keep the total under $100 but as with any miniature game I was kidding myself, though having a 75 point force with multiple warlock options for under $150 is defiantly a minor victory in my book.
Hoping to get a Steamroller Game (whatever that is) in next week for week 5 as I know for a fact I will not be around for the final week 6. That being said I need to strip these new miniatures and get them glued together. Then need to base my current painted ones and select one to enter the painting competition, so I have some home work ahead of me.
So Week 4:
- Total cost 148, (starter set 35, slag troll single 13, fennblades 30, mk 3 cards 15, ebay lot 60)
- 4 miniatures done 29 unpainted – working on Ragnor….
- 3 games played 0 wins (need to get some games in)
- Status: So many unpainted models so little time!
In case you missed it, here’s Week Three