Start Playing WarmaHordes: Newbie Player Week 1

By Travis Perkins | September 26th, 2016 | Categories: Hordes, How To Tutorial, Warmachine


Getting back into hobby can be rough! Travis goes through the valley of shadow and death for us but comes out… okay! Come get your WarmaHordes on!

So week 1 came in and went as expected, basically I got destroyed in my very first game of WarmaHordes.  There are a ton of rules that after playing through a game made much more sense than reading about. Also my opponent was very polite and went through all the phases one by one on his turn so that by the games end it started to become a rhythm. He even suggested a way I might get a victory with some lucky rolls against his warcaster on my final turn as he was about to execute my last warbeast with his entire army. Did I mention it was my first game?

My first impressions of the game are good and the rules seem to be pretty sound! This game involves a lot more tactics than just rushing straight at your opponent, (I play Khorne Brotherhood)! With my troll bloods I was going for a counter attack approach. My bouncer would take some hits and then have my warcaster and axer and take the opponent out. This did not go as planned! I soon learned that the warlock / warcaster generally needs to be shielded and rushing him into melee is a bad idea! (Why give him a huge hammer then?) So I need to remember that my warlock is a general and thus should do what generals do best, sit back and command! Next week I will try and do just that and hopefully manage fury better.


Usually in journeyman the first week is, according to the website, just the battle box. Often times, however, stores will do their own thing and change up the rules. Luckily, my opponent did that because he realized I had no idea what I was doing and was a nice guy. The store changed the rules to where you could create your own 0 point battle group using whatever. So while I have a warlock and 3 light warbeasts, someone else can use a warlock and 2 heavies.Whatever they wanted within the point system! Good for returning players, but hurts newbies like me with limited resources and models. It was kind of off-putting in that even this early in the league there is max and min going on. Oh well, time to embrace the suck and keep moving forward onto the next week!  I went out and bought a slag troll because the name is neat. It is a troll that has slag growing out of it because it eats metal, and it was only 13 dollars! I am guessing my next game will be one of fury management as my warlock has a fury of 6 and will be using 4 light warbeasts…. I fully expect a frenzied axer or bouncer at some point.


Beyond the game, the models are good quality but definitely lacking in a couple of areas. The larger models do make it easier to paint belts and that sort of thing though, however I ran into some issues where I had to hammer a piece of plastic to fit in order to not show gaps. This is pretty bad especially with a starter set and makes me dread putting more together. Also the bases suck. Why have a slot in the base if you do not put any tabs on the model’s feet! Besides that, the starter box is actually a nice deal. 3 light warbeasts, a warlock, dice, templates, a ruler, battle map, tokens, starter rule book, a painting and expansion guide,a basic training manual and cards included. All for 35 dollars!

Painting I have gotten pretty far on my 3 warbeasts, base coats, shading, and highlighting is mostly done but I need to do touchups. I plan on having those three done before my next game, my warlock has the metal painted but nothing else. I am more excited about painting my new slag troll than him so yea..

So Week 1:

  • Bought slag troll for 13 dollars (total cost so far $48)
  • 3 miniatures almost done, 2 unpainted
  • 1 games played, 0 wins
  • Status: Still really bad at this


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