Bad Moons Mecha Grotz: Atomic Empire Army Showcase

atomic empire mecha orks walGrots took to the field amassing their own army. This entirely converted Gretchin force is something you have to see for yourself.

Warzone: Atomic Empire was a qualifier event for Warzone: Atlanta later in the year. With people fighting for a slot, there were some awesomely painted competitive lists! You’ve got to get a deeper look into this Ad mech-themed Grot list.

We move fast taking pictures at events. If this is your army and would like credit for it, email us at

Bad Moons Mecha Grotz: Atomic Empire Army Showcase

atomic empire mecha orks 1

The display is rather simple. But this army is absolutely jaw-dropping. Every single model in this army has some kind of conversion showing off just how tech-savvy the Bad Moons really are.

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Starting off with some plasma-wielding Grots down below, this massive tank is ready to give pure Waaagh! energy covering fire. Can you spot all of the bits used to make this conversion?

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Flying plasma Kans also made their way to the board ready to slice and dice and hopefully not roll a 1 to hit. If this was the Imperium’s first time facing inventions like this, they’d be in for a rude awakening. But the creativity gets even better.

atomic empire mecha orks 4Roughly the size of a Gorkanaut, this walker was spotted putting other Looted Knights to shame. Using a few bits from 30k Ad mech, this behemoth was loaded to the brim with dakka (and the good kind too).

Fantastic job on this work of art. This is an army that will continue to turn heads!

Do you have a fully-converted 40k army? Which faction has the best bits to make conversions?

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