How Cool Are The Kharadron Overlords? WD April ’17

april white dwarf

Don’t miss the April issue of White Dwarf, featuring the new sky faring iron clad Dwarfs we all have our eyes on! Just how big are they really?

Today we are taking a look at the new White Dwarf that shows off the new Dwarf faction, 40k terrain, and much more!

april white dwarf

Here we see two of the three the new 40k terrain kits that together make up the terrain available in the Shadow War: Armageddon set. There is a bit of back story on these pieces of terrain and are also going to be available for purchase separately.

Looking at the price points of the individual terrain pieces it makes the price point of $150 for the Shadow War: Armageddon set seem worth it.

april white dwarf

From the picture here of the new Dwarf faction we can see what size bases the model are going to be on which gives us an idea of the scale of the models them selves. The infantry appears to be on both 32mm and 25mm bases and the air ships are divided up between the large cavalry base, Dreadknight / flyer base, and the Titan base.

april white dwarf

There are also some new rules for Shadow War: Armageddon, Skitarii, and the Chaos Cultists.

Watch our First Look video of the new April 2017 White Dwarf to see everything we have to say about it.

White Dwarf April 2017: $9

april white dwarf

Weigh your sky-anchors, the Kharadron Overlords have arrived – a brand-new faction for Warhammer Age of Sigmar and we have the most comprehensive preview you could hope for with Designers’ Notes, Paint Splatter, our special cover feature and a starring role in the first of this month’s two battle reports! But it’s a real something-for-everyone issue this month (isn’t it always?) with a look at the brand-new Shadow War: Armageddon game including an awesome four-player, vertical battle report. (What’s a vertical battle report, we hear you cry? You’ll have to check out the issue to find out!) On top of that we’ve got new rules and a new scenario for The Hobbit: Strategy Battle Game™, an awesome Dark Eldar army in the Sky Serpents and an absolute host of regulars. What more could you want?

Planet Warhammer – All the latest news
Contact – the letters page
Temporal Distort
Golden Demon: Enemies of the Imperium
Kharadron Overlords
Designers’ Notes
Destined Duel – a minigame of heroic combat
Illuminations – Servants of the Imperium
A Grudge to Settle – this month’s Battle Report!
Escape from Ferro-Giant Alphus – a second Battle Report!
New rules – Skitarii and Genestealer Cults in Shadow War
War on the Long Lake – a new scenario for The Hobbit: Strategy Battle Game™
Spike! Magazine
A Tale of Four Warlords
The Sky Serpents
Realms of Battle: Sector Mechanicus
Paint Splatter – Kharadron Overlords.
Parade Ground – Monsters Menagerie
Readers’ Models
In the Bunker

Head over to Games Workshop and order your copy of the April White Dwarf before they are all gone!