New Slyvaneth Models & Rules – WD #127

By Rob Baer | July 4th, 2016 | Categories: White Dwarf

Alarielle model new sylvaneth

You want treefolk, well this is how you get treefolk! Come see the big TEN new releases for Age of Sigmar and their rules that are headed to us in July!

Another great White Dwarf is here, and the Paint Splatter is back! Come see the latest on the new Sylvaneth, and their new rules in this weeks issue as we count down the weeks to them going monthly!


White Dwarf 127 $4


The Wyldwoods are unleashed as the Sylvaneth return! White Dwarf have got a first look at all the stunning new miniatures (look at that mighty Alarielle and Wardroth Beetle on the cover!) and the new battletome (the first of a great new style), plus warscrolls, Paint Splatter and more. All that and there’s still space for an alien upstart to make their way into Hall of Fame…

New Slyvaneth Models & Rules – White Dwarf #127 Review


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