What Does it Take to Actually Make Paint & a Giveaway!

By Caleb Dillon | July 1st, 2016 | Categories: Podcast, WMG


How does the former head of marketing at GW go from working in his garage to running his own paint factory?  To find out ya gotta listen!


War Council™ is a presentation of White Metal Games™ and airs twice a month.  Unlike many gaming centered podcasts, our show focuses exclusively on HOBBY.  No mathhammer or GT/Meta game talk here.  We talk to industry professional about painting, sculpting, 3D printing and casting models, kit bashing, and more!  Caleb Dillon is the Owner of White Metal Games and Phillip Kohrman is the owner of Brushwork Minis.

Prime 3

Episode 29 is  now live!  In this episode Phillip and I interviewed Bo of The Army Painter.    We get an inside look at how Bo went from head of marketing at Games Workshop to filling cans of Quickshade in his garage.  Now that ‘garage’ is an over 3000′ square foot warehouse where paint is made to order.  Bo walks us through a day in the life of Army Painter, how operations working, including their permanent game tables right there in the warehouse, where they don’t only work for a living, they PLAY for a living!  These guys are so passionate about their work, it’s hard not to get excited!

Futhermore, we are giving away a FAT MAT from Frontline Gaming.  You’ve got to tune in to get all the details!  Check out our Facebook page and be sure to comment for a chance to win!




On our next episode we’ll chat with the Great JoJo Man of Enter the Wolftime about all his custom conversion work!  Is there something you’d like us to ask our guest?


Be sure to Like us on Facebook!

And until next time, PUT YOUR MINIS WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS!!!

Caleb Dillon

White Metal Games

Please note the images in this post are the property of White Metal Games, NOT the people we interview.  We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.