All TIE’d Up: X-Wing 2.0 Imperial Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | September 12th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

tie fighter

The TIE Fighters are ever relentless and ruthless, even in X-Wing 2.0. Swarm the Rebels with aggressive tactics and destroy them!

swz14_scourge All TIE'd Up: X-Wing 2.0 Imperial Tactics

All TIE’d Up: X-Wing 2.0 Imperial Tactics

TIE Fighters can be deadly, especially the unique named TIE Fighters in X-Wing 2.0. Scourge Skutu is just the type of pilot the Empire likes to use against the Rebel threat. Scourge is an initiative 5 pilot that can roll 1 additional attack die against a defender in his bulls-eye firing arc. This narrow band of attack extends out to the normal range 1-3 and can give Scourge 4 attack dice at close range.


Since Scourge can equip a Talent, Ruthlessness will fit perfectly. With 3 potential attack dice, you will need some consistency in getting them to hit. With Ruthlessness, while you perform an attack, you may choose another friendly ship at range 0-1 of the defender. That ships suffers 1  hit damage and you may change 1 of your attack die results to a hit. This requires an aggressive ship to get in close to the defender, and we have just the pilot."Mauler" Mithel

Mauler Mithel is an aggressive TIE Fighter pilot that loves to get in close and put the pressure on. While Mauler is performing an attack at range 1, he rolls 1 additional attack die. With 4 attack dice at range 1, Mauler can blast any Rebel ship apart. Being so close to his target can also activate Ruthlessness, but it demands its pound of flesh. Hill Upgrade

Mauler will greatly benefit from some extra hull, and the Hull Upgrade modification has him covered. This can backfire quickly though, so choose your engagements wisely, but if you destroy your target and it end up destroying Mauler in the process, the Empire will still carry on.

Will you use these ruthless tactics with your TIE Fighters in the new X-Wing 2.0? What builds are you looking forward to with Imperials now?

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