Alpha Strike: Star Wars X-Wing Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | November 7th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

The Empire has some new toys to send to intercept the Rebel threat. Come and see what an aggressive alpha strike can do to the Rebel scum!

The Alpha-Class Star Wing is an aggressive new ship for the Empire that is beefier than your average TIE fighter. With 4 hull and 3 shields, this ship will be tougher to take down. A primary weapon value of 2 and agility of 2 round it out to be a decent fighter, but its strengths lie in its ordnance options. Let’s start with a title upgrade.

The Os-1 Arsenal Loadout is a 2 point upgrade that adds an additional torpedo and missile slot. It also allows the Alpha-Wing to attack with torpedoes and missiles even if it has a weapons disabled token assigned. Since the Alpha-Wing has the SLAM action ability, this can happen more often than you think.

The newest Elite upgrade will fit nicely on the Alpha-Wing. Saturation Salvo makes it so that even if you miss with ordnance, your enemies will still feel the pain. After you perform an attack with a secondary torpedo  or missile upgrade that does not hit, each ship at range 1 of the defender with an agility lower than the fired weapons point cost must roll 1 attack dice and take any hits or crits rolled. In other words, any secondary ordnance with a point cost of 4 or higher is going to make any ship roll dice.

The perfect upgrade to enable this combo is Cruise Missiles. Since it has a point cost of 3, any ship with an agility of 2 or lower is going to feel the Saturation Salvo. It also has the ability to add attack dice for the speed of the maneuver you just executed. Since the Alpha-Wing has SLAM, and you can fire with a weapons disabled token, Cruise Missiles can get bumped up to 4 attack dice after performing a speed 3 SLAM. Your enemies will be cruising for a bruising in no time!

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