Backwards Bomber: Star Wars X-Wing Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | December 14th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


Have you seen the latest on the new Quadjumper expansion? We have a further rundown of one of the more interesting pilots here for you today. Take a look!


Constable Zuvio is a PS 7 Quadjumper pilot with an interesting bomber ability. Whenever he performs a reverse maneuver he may drop a bomb from the front guides of his ship, even a bomb with the “Action” header. This is pretty crazy and unpredictable, just the way we like it! This allows him to reverse, drop a bomb, and keep his target in his sights for a follow up attack. Since this ship will only have one bomb slot, equip the new Scavenger Crane to grab more bombs after you blow some ships up.


Cluster Mines will give you a broad target zone and with the new FAQ, they are quite dangerous. The old Cluster Mine rules stated that if a ship overlapped them, they would roll 2 dice per bomb token and only take the hits.The new FAQ changed that to hits and crits! 

Bombardier gives him the extra range if he needs it. Bombing is a delicate art, and the crew slot on this ship helps out to makes sure that 1 bomb you have hits its target. bombardierThis new ship will definitely be a blast to fly around with, especially goes backwards and dropping bombs out the front!

Tune in again soon for more X-Wing rundowns!