Bad Bossk: X-Wing 2.0 Ship Build Hound’s Tooth

By Barclay Montgomery | May 30th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


Bossk is cruising into X-Wing 2.0 with some serious firepower. His targets should run in fear from this mighty Trandoshan bounty hunter.


Bossk is here to collect on his bounties in X-Wing 2.0! Bossk is a fearsome pilot at initiative 4 with a surprise for his targets. While Bossk performs a primary attack, he may spend 1 crit to add 2 hits to the damage pool. This extra damage can blast through enemy shields and hull just like an angry Trandoshan should.

Perceptive Copilot

Bossk is focused on getting those crit results, so it helps if he has a Perceptive Copilot. As a crew member, this gives you the ability to gain an additional focus token when you perform the focus action. These focus results can help Bossk get the hits he needs to take down enemy ships fast. But he still needs help getting his crit results, so let’s gamble a little bit.                                                          Land Carlissian

Lando Calrissian is on board with Bossk to help him reroll his attack dice. After you roll dice, you may spend 1 green token to re-roll up to 2 of your results. With an extra focus on your hands from your Perceptive Copilot, this is a great way to fix your dice in a pinch, and have another focus on hand to further modify dice. Greedo

To bring it all together, Greedo will be manning the guns on Bossk’s ship.  While you perform an attack, you may spend 1 charge to change 1 hit result into a crit.  The only downside is that when you are defending if your charge is still active, you attacker may change 1 hit result into a crit.  This downside is not as bad as it seems, especially if you keep getting those sweet crits!

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