Bloody Pirates: Scum Builds For X-Wing 2.0

By Barclay Montgomery | October 2nd, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


Kath Scarlett and her Binayre Pirates are invading into X-Wing 2.0! Get your pirate band together to take on the Rebels and the Empire!

swz16_kath-scarlet Bloody Pirates: Scum Builds For X-Wing 2.0

Bloody Pirates: Scum Builds For X-Wing 2.0

The Captain of the Binayre Pirates, Kath Scarlet is a Firespray pilot that is all about teamwork. Her large based ship relies on friendlies to get boosts to her attacks. While Kath performs a primary attack, if there is at least 1 friendly non-limited ship at range 0 of the defender, roll 1 additional attack die.

This means that her non-limited friendly ships will be going for collisions so that they can be at range 0. This works out too since if an enemy ship overlaps your ship, they miss their actions! Marauder

Kath will be flying the Marauder Firespsray, and this boosts her primary rear firing arc. While you perform a primary rear attack, you may reroll 1 attack die. You also gain the gunner slot to improve your attacks further.

Kath may prefer her rear firing arc, but she can still put out 4 attack dice from either if a friendly ship is at range 0 of the defender. Veteran Tail Gunner

Put that gunner slot to good use with a Veteran Tail Gunner. After you perform an attack from your forward primary arc, you can make a bonus primary rear attack. If you manage to get an enemy into your front and rear, you can blast both of them! The trick will be to get your non-limited ships at range 0 while you attack at range 1 of your enemies, making for devastating 5 dice attacks, from both arcs if you are lucky!

Binayre Pirate

We need to grab some non-limited ships, and the Binayre Pirate fits perfectly. At initiative 1, these little guys will activate first and can block the paths of your opponent’s ships, hoping for a collision. Their red barrel roll can help add more range to their maneuvers to get into prime condition for that range 0 sweet spot.

Feedback Array

Since range 0 is the Binayre Pirate’s goal, an Illicit tech choice can benefit your end-game. Feedback Array makes it so that you can forgo your attack to force each enemy ship at range 0 to suffer 1 damage. The ion token can help you stay in your enemy’s flight path in the following round to further muck up their maneuvers.

The Binayre Pirates will be aggressively in your face. Can you handle the onslaught from Kath Scarlet in X-Wing 2.0?

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