Breaking Down The New C-ROC: X-Wing Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | January 12th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

The Scum finally have their Epic class ship, and we are going to give you guys the run down as to what this ship can offer the Star Wars X-Wing game.

For an Epic ship, the C-ROC Cruiser (hereafter known as the CROC) is 35 points and is much like the Gozanti in that it does not have a fore or aft section. It has 4 shields and 10 hull and has a 4 energy capacity. It has the standard action bar load-out with Recover and Reinforce, but can also Jam and Target Lock. The C-ROC was made for cargo carrying and such has 3 cargo slots, 2 crew along with weapons teams and energy upgrades. The first upgrade card for this ship is a title card: Merchant One.

This 2 point upgrade gives you 1 additional energy capacity and you gain 1 additional crew slot, 1 additional weapon team, but you lose 1 cargo. This is a good tradeoff that will make the C-ROC more combat effective. The C-ROC features a large forward firing arc, but this can be improved upon with the Heavy Laser Turret.

This 5 point upgrade allows you to fire at targets outside of your firing arc at range 2-3. You spend 2 energy and can perform a 4 dice attack that will give any small ship a run for its money. Target lock is your friend here but there are many crew and weapon teams that can help improve your accuracy, as Epic ships cannot be assigned focus or evade tokens.

The latest crew members to arrive for Scum offer a unique way of adapting to the ever changing battle field. Azmorigan is a 2 point crew upgrade for Epic Scum ships only that allows you to spend 1 energy to change 1 face-up crew or team card you have equipped with another of the same card type of equal or lesser squad points. If Greedo is not working out for you, kick him out for another crew member of his value or lower. It’s that simple!

Cikatro Vizago is another crew member, but he can go on large or small based ships too. He is wheeling and dealing with his ability. Much like Azmorigan, he is able to change a face-up upgrade card, this time illicit or energy, and can swap it for one of equal or lesser value. If your ship is about to explode, switch out your Illicit to Deadman’s Switch to add some damage to the ship that takes you out!

That’s all we have for the latest on the C-ROC Crusier for the Scum faction. What more tricks and traps await in this expansion? Hopefully Jabba the Hutt can add some aid with his connections, but we will have to wait and see!

For more X-Wing tactics click the link below.Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

Star Wars Tactics