BREAKING – New X-Wing Ship Preview!

By Rob Baer | June 22nd, 2015 | Categories: Star Wars, X-Wing 2.0

star wars battle of endor
Rejoice Scum & Villainy pilots, reinforcements are dropping out of hyperspace! Come see the newest ship for the fledgling faction the Kihraxz Fighter!

swx32_box_leftFantasy Flight Games introduced a new fighter for the X-wing miniatures game today that loosely based on the X-wing itself!

Kihraxz Fighter:

Attack: 3
Agility: 2
Hull: 4
Shield: 1
Default Actions: Focus, Target Lock
Default Upgrade slots: Missile, Illicit

Maneuver Dial comparison:

That’s a pretty solid dial with the some interesting choices.  The lack of the 1 forward, and the choice of using both the 4 and 5 K-turns is interesting.  While the Kihraxz cant inch forward it certainly can flip it’s nose around in tight situations, having those speed one turns, in exchange for only speed 3 banks.  It’s an odd one, that likes to do large sweeping moves, or slow tight turns in close.
This feels like a fighter that keeps up its speed, circing its targets, only slowing to make sharp facing changes.  Certainly not a slow methodical fighter.

Kihraxz Pilots:

Punch it Chewie!