Bringing Scummy Back to Star Wars X-Wing

By Barclay Montgomery | February 22nd, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Bringing the Scum back into the X-Wing scene, Constable Zuvio has some backward tactics ready for the Imperials and the Rebels. Back it up!

The crazy Space Tug Boat Captain, Constable Zuvio is ready to get this party started. At PS 7, he has a decent chance of out-activating his opponent to set up some seriously sinister bombing runs. Whenever Zuvio reveals a reverse maneuver, he may drop a bomb using his front guides. This can be a crazy way to bomb and dodge your opponents. 

To give Zuvio a little extra reach with these bombs, a Bombardier is a great crew option for him. When you are dropping a bomb, you may use the 2 straight template instead of just the 1. This can help immensely as you may miscalculate your bombing trajectory with your reverse maneuver!

A favorite amongst Scum, Proximity Mines are perfect for catching the Empire and Rebels off guard. Prox Mines template is large and in charge and can reach your enemies fairly easily, and gives them a nasty surprise of 3 attack dice that they must roll. That’s one attack that they hope they miss!

A nice Tech option for Constable Zuvio is the Pattern Analyzer. Since the reverse maneuver is red, and a key element of Zuvio’s battle plan, missing out on your action can hurt. Being able to reverse, perform an action, and then receive stress is a great way of getting your cake and eating it too, or feeding it to your enemy in the form of a Proximity Mine! 

The one-and-done nature of his Proximity Mine is troubling…unless you have a Scavenger Crane! After a ship at range 1-2 of Zuvio is destroyed, you may choose a discarded bomb token that was equipped to his ship and flip it faceup. It has a chance of breaking with a bad attack dice roll, but you could get more mileage out of those Proximity Mines!

Since he is flying a Quadjumper, go with the Spacetug Tractor Array. As an action, you may choose a ship in your firing arc at range 1 and assign a tractor beam token to it. This can come in handy with our Pattern Analyzer as you can reverse, drop a Proximity Mine, give your target a tractor beam token to help guide them to your bomb, and then take your stress. Not a bad deal for the Constable!

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