Cry Havoc & Play Bombers Again in X-Wing?

By Barclay Montgomery | July 18th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

The wild new Scurrg Bomber for Star Wars X-Wing likes to play both fields. Check out this interesting Rebel Havoc build for new bombing runs!

Captain Nym is an interesting ship that can play for both the Rebel and Scum factions. At pilot skill 8, Nym is pretty high up there with the other Aces. But you take Nym for his interesting pilot ability that centers around bomb tactics. Once per round, you may prevent a friendly bomb from detonating. There is nothing more frustrating than spending the points, as well as the maneuvers and actions, to place a bomb and it go off with no effect. Nym makes it so that you get your money’s worth on your bomb upgrades. Also this has no range restriction, so this can fit perfectly with this next upgrade.

As a sensor upgrade, Minefield Mapper adds a whole new element to the bombing type of warfare. During setup, you may discard any number of your equipped bomb upgrades and place them in the play area beyond range 3 of enemy ships. This is a crazy new way to get the jump on your opponent by placing bombs all over the play mat before you even startthe game. If your enemy avoids your bombs, you can select one with Nym to not go off until a better opportunity arises. Now to select which bombs for the job!

Proton Bombs are a crazy way to put the hurt on enemy ships fast. Automatically giving them a face up damage card can spell doom for any X-Wing ship. A lucky Direct Hit face up card can one shot Soontir Fel without rolling any attack dice. Dodge that!

Thermal Detonators are also a nice touch when bombing your enemies. Whenever this bomb goes off, each ship at range 1 takes 1 damage and receives 1 stress token.Getting 1 damage is not bad, but getting a stress along with it v=can really muss up someones plans, especially if they just completed a red maneuver.

Nym will add a whole new way to bomb your opponents. Will you be going with the Rebel or Scum version of this awesome new ship?

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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