Evil is Afoot With New X-Wing Big Ship Squad Builds

By Barclay Montgomery | April 11th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Are you ready to feel the hate flow through your enemies? Check out this Imperial list for X-Wing that is just pure evil! 

Talk about in your face, this list get in the fighting hard and fast!

Lieutenant Dormitz – Hyperwave Comm Scanner + Engine Upgrade + Fire Control System

Rear Admiral Chiraneau – A Score to Settle + Engine Upgrade + Gunner + Darth Vader + Kylo Ren

Lieutenant Dormitz allows you to place Rear Admiral Chiraneau at range 1-2 from him. This allows Chirpy to get right into the fighting as soon as possible. Hyperwave Comm Scanner enables you to get a fast or slow deployment on your part, and helps to assign a focus or evade token to Chiraneau.

Chiraneau will put out massive damage and will b in range to attack as soon as he can; hopefully on turn 1! A Score to Settle will help boost his pilot skill to make your dice show lots of damage! Use Kylo Ren and Darth Vader to put the hurt on your first target ship in no time at all. You’ll have crits for days with this combo, and your backup is Gunner, who let’s you fire again if you should miss.

I can just feel the pain that this list will cause! Try it out and see if your opponent begs for mercy! 

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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