FFG’s X-Wing Regionals This SAT, at Spikey Bits

By Rob Baer | April 11th, 2013 | Categories: X-Wing 2.0

Join us for the X-Wing Regional Championship Saturday, April 13th!

FTW Games (the home of Spikey Bits) was selected as a Regional Championship Tournament Venue for X-Wing the Miniature Game! We will be holding our Regional Event IN ONE WEEK on Saturday April 13th!

Cost: $10
Format: 100 point squads, 50 minute games, Swiss-style tournament
Scoring: Win/Tie/Loss- 3/2/1 points
Max Players: 32 (# of rounds based on # of players)
Prizes: Regional Champion Trophy, Regionals 2013 Dice Bags, Acrylic Focus Tokens, Patches, and Coins